I've decided to start a new homemaking habit. A new nighttime, habit, actually.
I cannot stand going to bed with dirty dishes in my sink. Now, I must be honest here and tell you that sometimes I do leave dishes in the sink overnight, but that does not change that I still DETEST waking up to dirty dishes in the morning!!!
The new habit I want to start is not only making sure all the dishes are washed, but also making sure they are all washed, dried and put away each night before I go to bed! I usually will wash them and set them in the dish drainer to dry and the next morning they will be put away. I will awake to not only an empty, clean sink, but an empty dish drainer as well! So starting Tuesday night, I implemented my new habit and, so far, so good!!
Have you started any new habits in your home lately? Please share, if so!!
I've been doing something similar, trying to keep up with the dishes. For almost two weeks now (with a few lapses) I've been pretty much caught up most of the time, instead of waiting for a few days and then running the dishwasher five times. It's great!
Good for you, Mrs. U! I have the same habit. Sometimes it is really hard to dry and put away the pots, but it makes the morning so much more nice!
I also dislike waking up to dirty dishes. Since I run the dishwasher at night I always have dishes to put away in the morning.
My new habit is to set out the dishes for breakfast and as many ingredients as I can in one spot. So far it making the morning routine easier.
I am so proud of you Mrs.U - new habits are hard to establish, but so worth it. By the looks of thing around our home, I need to establish some new homekeeping habits!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for the idea! I've been washing dishes before bed, but like you mentioned, I was waking up to a sink full of dishes needing to be put away. Because of your suggestion, I'm going to try to start drying them and putting them away before I go to bed.
Oh - the thought of the kitchen that way sounds SO inviting in the morning!
Good going! Keep up the good work!
I have recently started the same thing with a twist. I got rid of my drainer and decided to use the dishwasher, which is right next to the sink, as my drainer. With the dishes stacked willy-nilly (and usually all on the top rack), I can't close the dishwasher, so I HAVE to dry and put away to be able to close it and get my floorspace back. Plus, I have so much more counter space, now. I don't really need to use the dishwasher very often, but it is wonderful for getting canning jars ready. :-D
I dislike waking up to a cluttered bedroom, so I try to make sure all the shoes, extra pillows, dirty clothes, books, etc are put away before I climb into bed. THen, when I wake up, my feet hit a nice, clean floor and all I need to do is make the bed to have one room ready to go for the day. It's nice to walk out the door knowing when I return, things are orderly in at least one place!
I actually do the same thing as Ginny. Our dishwasher hasn't been run in months, but it's used daily as a drying rack.
Thanks ginny and nate and elizabeth! Great idea to use the dishwasher as a drying rack!!
I also dislike dishes in the morning. Great habit that you began! I do the supper dishes each night but a few collect before morning. I also like the idea of picking up through the house before bedtime. Sounds like these ideas will make for a good morning!
Ginny and Elizabeth, that is a great idea for a draining rack! I might do that in my own home in a couple of months (I'm getting married.)
Mrs. U,
I'm trying to not go to bed until my house is "company ready". This means that I want things to be neat and clean so in case guests stop by expectantly the next morning or afternoon, the house is clean and inviting :D.
I was blog-hopping and came across yours!
Nothing says good morning like a kitchen waiting to be used, fresh clean clothes where they are supposed to be, and no toys underfoot. I have found it so much easier to be creative in the kitchen, and get dinner ready on time, if all the pots and pans are clean and the tableware is put away!
I have been able to keep it up for 2 months now, except for a couple days here and there. Hey, we're all human... ;-)
Good luck everyone!
One of the great habits my mom taught me was to "put the house to bed at night." I go through and give it a quick clean sweep so that I wake up to a pleasant home the next day :)
Terrye in FL
I'm trying to take time out for me. I work with my husband fulltime managing a self storage property. We usually work 50 hours a week, then I have my family, the house, etc. I was actually getting very burnt out.
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